Re: Restrict to objects with static storage duration

"Victor Bazarov" <>
Thu, 27 Mar 2008 14:11:36 -0400
<fsgo0o$iae$> wrote:

On Mar 27, 9:09 am, "Victor Bazarov" <> wrote:

I am drawing a blank here...

Is there a way to restrict a class to only instantiate objects with
static storage duration, but no dynamic, and no automatic (hence no
function arguments, either) storage duration?

Sorry I can't help, but I'm curious as to why one want to would do

I am working on a caching mechanism for objects. To make things as
simple as possible I want to create those objects (and initialise them)
only once per program run. The simplest way I know is to create them
with static storage duration. At the same time the objects perform
expensive tasks when initialised, and especially if ever destroyed, so
I don't want anyone to create those objects with very short storage
duration (like automatic) or bother with dynamic memory (besides,
*that* is easy to prohibit).

Essentially, I have what looks like "numerous unnamed singletons".
They are so numerous that I don't want the overhead of creating them
dynamically, if I can help it (although it is generally possible to
restrict their creation to free store only). If no other solution is
eventually found, I'll turn to pooled memory manager and will make
those objects dynamically. This way I'll avoid the overhead...

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