Re: Singleton and static function

Maxim Yegorushkin <>
Fri, 31 Oct 2008 09:37:19 -0700 (PDT)
On Oct 31, 3:27 pm, John Doe <> wrote:


I have a singleton class defined like this :

class UIManager : public CSingleton<UIManager>,

c CObject

        friend class CSingleton<UIManager>;

        virtual ~UIManager();



What do you need that CSingleton<> for? Can you not just have a global

and I was using this code like this :

UIManager* l_pUiMgr = UIManager::GetInstance();
ASSERT (l_pUiMgr != NULL);
l_pUiMgr->GetResText( a_ResId, bStripHtml);

That ASSERT is probably useless because if UIManager is allocated on
the heap (using new) it throws an exception. It it it allocated as a
function static variable, than it can never be NULL.

But I was fed up with always typing this so I have declared below my
UIManager class a static function :

static inline UIManager& UIManager() { return *(UIManager::GetInstance())=

; }

and I wanted to be able to call it like that :

UIManager().GetResText( a_ResId, bStripHtml);

Which looks better.

The problem is I get some compilations errors with the code in A)

5>c:\wce_v42\inc\BaseView.h(227) : error C2065: 'l_pUiMgr' : undeclared

Why I cannot write UIManager* now ?

This error says that you are accessing l_pUiMgr object, which is not
available from the current scope. Either you misspelled it or did not
include the necessary header files.


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