Re: Difference between Windows and Linux GCC compiler

"Ron AF Greve" <me@localhost>
Fri, 31 Jul 2009 17:35:23 +0200

Yes, I don't much like the #if's in my code either. Especially if there are
exceptions for multiple systems it makes the code hard to read, although it
makes it easy to use the same code between g++ and VC++ since I don't have
to do something special. But indeed for parts where you get multiple #if's
for various systems it would be nicer to put the difference in the make
files instead of the code.

Regards, Ron AF Greve

"REH" <> wrote in message
On Jul 31, 6:19 am, "Ron AF Greve" <me@localhost> wrote:

Sorry., forgot this one

#ifdef WIN32

if( ioctlsocket( Socket, FIONBIO, &True ) ) //; // Hope this works

int Error = WSAGetLastError();
fcntl( Socket, F_SETFD, O_NONBLOCK | fcntl( Socket, F_GETFD ) );

What I've done for systems I have to build on multiple targets is
define a common interface, and have the build system pull in the
appropriate library. It's much cleaner and easiler to maintain
(especially when it comes the adding a new target).


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