Re: pair, tuple and constexpr

From: (Alberto Ganesh Barbati)
Mon, 12 Nov 2007 21:22:36 GMT
Daniel Kr=C3=BCgler ha scritto:

On Nov 12, 1:59 am, (Alberto Ganesh Barbati)

Let's rephrase my question, then: would it make sense to modify the
current definition of pair and/or tuple so that they could be literal
types whenever all the template arguments are of literal type? For
example, the current std::pair constructor could be defined as

constexpr pair(/implementation defined/ x, /implementation defined/ y)=


where the type of x is T1 if T1 is a literal type or const T1&
otherwise, and similarly for T2. (Notice that this kind of
"implementation defined" signature is already being used in the
standard, see for example the constructor of unique_ptr).

Personally I think this is a good reason, see e.g. my use-case
of a function template abs both useful in constant expressions
and otherwise, the branch based on an hypothetical std::is_literal,

:-) It definitely seems that we reached the same conclusions! std::pair
could be written with std::is_literal in this way:

template <class T>
struct call_traits
  typedef typename conditional<
    typename add_lvalue_reference<
      typename add_const<T>::type
    >::type type;

template <class T1, class T2>
struct pair
  T1 first;
  T2 second;

  constexpr pair(
    typename call_traits<T1>::type a,
    typename call_traits<T2>::type b)
    : first(a), second(b)

  /* etc. */

Of course, this definition assumes that constexpr is silently ignored if
either T1 or T2 is not a literal type (see discussion in thread "Defect
report: [dcl.constexpr]/5 constexpr and templates").



PS: compare this use case with boost::call_traits

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