Re: Template typedef parameter
On 15 Dez., 01:58, pfultz2 <> wrote:
So there is no way to limit the types that are given to a function
without using enable_if. That is i cant write a function call like
template<typename T>
void foo(add_reference<T>::type x);
and it will only accept a reference type for the function??
Right. In this case Template Argument Deduction won't work because the
compiler is not able to figure out T on its own -- no matter how
simple the definition of add_reference may look like. Here's a counter
example that has little to do with "add_reference" except for the
template<typename T>
struct add_reference { typedef T type; };
struct add_reference<int> { typedef double type; };
So, what is T if add_referemce<T>::type is double? In this case
T=double and T=int works. Which choice is the correct one? The problem
here is that it is (a) difficult to determine the set of possible Ts
and (b) there's no way to know what T is the correct one if the set
contains more than one type.
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