Re: Data Storage Issue (Basic Issue)
Lew wrote:
Eric Sosman wrote:
4) The fact (if we assume its existence) that some database
performed better without a file system than with one does
not prove that the file system performs poorly. It might
well be that the database in question does things dumbly
and forces the file system to do a lot of needless work.
In this case, no. If you read up on Oracle's direct-disk management it
is not dumb, nor is its file-system interaction. None of the big
players are stupid with file-system access, be they Oracle, DB2,
Postgres or whomever. [...]
I see you've not encountered Lotus "databases" ...
I'd suggest that you not dismiss Lew's anecdote, but that
you examine its actual information content before forming firm
opinions about file systems vs. raw devices.
Which is exactly why I presented it as an anecdote. Still, seeing it
work like that even in one case is very indicative, wouldn't you agree?
No. "Suggestive," perhaps, or even "cautionary." But for
my own part I wouldn't confer "very indicative" on a lab result
that cannot be reproduced by an independent experimenter. A
citation of a full report or published paper or something of that
nature might change my mind, but at the moment ... no.
Eric Sosman