Re: Constants class nickname problem

Lew <>
Fri, 02 Feb 2007 10:03:02 -0500
Guy wrote:

I invoke it in my code as
   function( arg1, MediVisitInstallConst.CONFIG_MI,...etc);

Sorry that was a typo, the .Bean is required and is the whole purpose:
   function( arg1, MediVisitInstallConst.Bean.CONFIG_MI,...etc);

If you copy-and-paste directly from source you avoid typos.

..NET is not Java. Java is not .NET. In Java the "static" keyword means
"belonga-class". A top-level class has no other class to which it can belong,
ergo "static" makes no sense there.

Other than that I see no problem with the scheme

   Constants.Bean.CONFIG_MI, Constants.Xml.SOMETHING, ...

other than stylistic.

I try to declare:
   MediVisitInstallConst const;

But when I try to use it:
  function( arg1, const.CONFIG_MI,...etc), the compiler complains:
  "unexpected type: required class, package, fond variable"

Your "const" variable was also missing the "Bean" reference.

Try "function( arg1, const.Bean.CONFIG_MI, ... )"

Second, I have several constants and I like to regroup them in the
same package,

I see that you have them grouped in different nested classes within the same
outer class, which trivially puts them in the same package.

- Lew

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