Re: choosing EclipseLink over TopLink/TopLink Essentials
Giovanni Azua wrote:
"Arne Vajh?j" <> wrote
EclipseLink is also based on TopLink.
I knew this bit ...
TopLink Essentials is a subset of TopLink.
After two days digging the source code of the two I think not e.g. TopLink
does not seem to support JPQL neither some of the JPA facilities whereas
Essentials does, therefore Essentials is not a subset of TopLink strictly
TopLink Essentials is the open-source community edition of Oracle's
TopLink product.
TopLink Essentials is the open-source community edition of Oracle's
TopLink product. It is derived from Oracle TopLink providing core
Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) functionality necessary for the
reference implementation of JPA in EJB 3.0.
TopLink Essentials is a subset of the functionality available in Oracle
TopLink. The initial goal of TopLink Essentials is to provide a
commercial quality reference implementation of JPA. They share the same
core Object-Relational Mapping capabilities that have been key
infrastructure of many enterprise Java application for over a decade.
Oracle TopLink offers additional functionality beyond TopLink Essentials
and the JPA specification.
I do not have a clue about what the two TopLink versions does and
does not.
But I will assume that Oracle does.