Re: Adding ExitListeners to Netbeans generated Desktop Application?
Rexx Magnus, 07.08.2008 11:41:
I want to avoid using the menu hooks and OS detection to catch the use
of the Apple menus, because this requires importing of apple packages,
Not necessarily. You can add a hook without needing the Apple libraries at compile time.
Of course if anything changes in the Apple interfaces this will stop working, but I don't think there is a way around that.
Here is the code.
I removed error handling and logging, but I guess you get the Idea.
I simply check for the OS at startup (before initializing any GUI!) and then call installApplicationHandler()
public class MacOSHelper
implements InvocationHandler
private Object proxy;
public MacOSHelper()
public void installApplicationHandler()
Class appClass = Class.forName("");
Object application = appClass.newInstance();
if (application != null)
Class listener = Class.forName("");
this.proxy = Proxy.newProxyInstance(listener.getClassLoader(), new Class[] { listener },this);
Method add = appClass.getMethod("addApplicationListener", new Class[] { listener });
if (add != null)
// Register the proxy as the ApplicationListener. Calling events on the Listener
// will result in calling the invoke method from this class.
add.invoke(application, this.proxy);
// Now register for the Preferences... menu
Method enablePrefs = appClass.getMethod("setEnabledPreferencesMenu", boolean.class);
enablePrefs.invoke(application, Boolean.TRUE);
public Object invoke(Object prx, Method method, Object[] args)
throws Throwable
String methodName = method.getName();
if ("handleQuit".equals(methodName))
// According to the Apple docs, one should call ApplicationEvent.setHandled(false);
// in order to be able to cancel exiting.
// See
setHandled(args[0], false);
else if ("handleAbout".equals(methodName))
// Show about dialog
setHandled(args[0], true);
else if ("handlePreferences".equals(methodName))
// Show Options dialog
setHandled(args[0], true);
LogMgr.logInfo("MacOSHelper.invoke()", "Ignoring unknown event.");
return null;
private void setHandled(Object event, boolean flag)
Method setHandled = event.getClass().getMethod("setHandled", boolean.class);
setHandled.invoke(event, Boolean.valueOf(flag));