Re: Additional logging questions
Novice wrote:
Lew wrote:
'toString()' should always give a useful way to identify the specific
That's why I was displaying the name of the table so I'm going to take
that as a "yes" ;-)
It should depend on (and usually only on) the same fields used to
drive 'hashCode()' and 'equals()' and if supported, 'compareTo()'
(which should always be consistent with each other).
I don't touch hashCode(), equals() or compareTo() very often at all. Or
toString() either for that matter. But overriding hashCode() and equals()
solved a big problem for me recently. I was writing a holder class that
contained three fields, a table name, a row number and a column number,
as a key for a hash map and then storing the column width in the value
portion of the map. But when I tried to look up a given combination of
table name, row number and column number I was never finding values that
I knew were there. I googled and found out that I needed to revise
hashCode() and equals() and rougly what those changes needed to be and
then my lookups went fine. But I didn't touch compareTo(). Hmm, maybe I
need to revisit that and make sure it doesn't need some tweaking too....
The default 'Object#equals()' method gives (almost) the same answer as the ==
operator - two instances are equal iff (if and only if) they are the same
instance. That's called "object equality" or "instance equality".
Often we want value equality. It's not very helpful, for example, for
new Integer(67551) != new Integer(67551)
to be true.
That means equality of different instances, provided their values match in
some defined way.
For 'Integer', value equality depends on only one attribute, the underlying
'int' field.
For a more complicated type, there might be more than one attribute. For
example, you might regard two widgets as equal iff they have the same owner
and color:
public class Widget
private final Owner owner; // assume getter methods for brevity
private final Color color;
public Widget(Owner owner, Color color)
if (owner == null || color == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("null");
this.owner = owner;
this.color = color'
assert this.owner != null && this.color != null;
@Override public boolean equals(Object other)
if (other == this) { return true; }
if (! (other instanceof Widget)) { return false; }
Widget widget = (Widget) other;
return this.getOwner().equals(widget.getOwner())
&& this.getColor().equals(widget.getColor()
But wait! 'hashCode()', which is a shortcut for 'equals()' (well, really for
"not equals()"), doesn't know anything about those fields yet! It will think
objects are not equal when they really are.
So you have to override 'hashCode()', too, using the same fields, so that its
result are consistent with 'equals()':
@Override public int hashCode()
return owner.hashCode() * 31 + color.hashCode();
Since 'compareTo()' also makes claims about equality, it must agree with the
other two methods when it exists.
Since the fields that determine equality identify the value by definition,
they should determine the 'toString()' result also:
@Override public String toString()
assert owner != null && color != null;
return '{'+ owner +", "+ color + '}';
As you can see, 'toString()' can include additional information, but it must
show what identifies the value.
Honi soit qui mal y pense.