Re: Returning A ResultSet

16 Apr 2007 08:53:36 -0700
Thanks for the help Tom, I really appreciate it. I changed yours a
little since I wanted to append to an XML file if there were results.
This is what I got...

A database call now looks like this...

   conn = RDBMServices.getConnection();

   stmt = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM ALERT_PROVIDERS");
   executeQuery(stmt, xml, new ResultSetHandler()
      public String handle(ResultSet results, String xml) throws
         System.out.println("ResultSet: "+results);
catch(SQLException e)
   System.out.println("SQLException: "+e);

Which is a lot cleaner, and a little shorter than it was originally.
Then I changed a little of the interface and executeQuery function...

public interface ResultSetHandler
   void handle(ResultSet results, String xml) throws SQLException;

static void executeQuery(PreparedStatement statement, String xml,
ResultSetHandler handler) throws SQLException
   ResultSet results = statement.executeQuery();
      handler.handle(results, xml);
   catch(SQLException e){}

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