Re: Using Interfaces ?

Lew <>
Sun, 25 Feb 2007 10:01:59 -0500
TonyB wrote:

I think I've answered my own question. An interface is really declaring a
type for a class's methods , so that when I use a class based on that
interface, it is type checked that it meets the requirements defined in the
interface ?
So I could say
exampleinterface object 1 ;
exampleinterface object 2 ;
object1 = new example1class();
object2 = new example2class();

If this compiles I know that both objects implement the required methods.
Do I understand this correctly ?


One small note: there is a nearly universal convention in Java for laying out
source code and for nomenclature.

Class names should start with an upper-case letter, variable and method names
with a lower-case letter. Each subsequent word part within a name also begins
with an upper-case letter.

As a matter of engineering, it is bad practice to include things like "class"
in a class name, "object" in an object name, "interface" in an interface name.

You might refer a class to an interface or vice versa, and to have to change
the name is silly. All objects are objects, so saying "object" is unnecessary.

- Lew

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