Re: Using getSelectedValuesList() instead of the deprecated getSelectedValues()

Lew <>
Mon, 16 Jul 2012 19:46:58 -0700 (PDT)
On Monday, July 16, 2012 4:47:53 PM UTC-7, Jeff Higgins wrote:

Daniel Pitts wrote:

Higgins wrote:

clusardi2k... wrote:

&gt;&gt;&gt; Hello, can anyone give me a simple/complete example to replace
&gt;&gt;&gt; jLst.getSelectedValues() below using jLst.getSelectedValuesList().
&gt;&gt;&gt; Object str_array [];
&gt;&gt;&gt; if ( !jLst.isSelectionEmpty() )
&gt;&gt;&gt; {
&gt;&gt;&gt; str_array = jLst.getSelectedValues();
&gt;&gt;&gt; System.out.println(&quot;Selected: &quot; + str_array[0]);
&gt;&gt;&gt; }
&gt;&gt; I think the java.util.List&lt;E&gt; interface has a method to return an array.
&gt; Indeed it does, but that is terrible advice.

str_array = jLst.getSelectedValuesList().toArray();

Is that much better?

&gt; jList.getSelectedValuesList().get(0) is equivalent to
&gt; jList.getSelectedValues()[0];

What's better is

System.out.println("Selected: " + jLst.getSelectedValuesList().get(0));

with appropriate guards against NPE.

Unless, as markspace points out, the OP actually needs an array for
reasons not in the original post.


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