Re: operator overloading

Patricia Shanahan <>
Tue, 27 May 2008 07:42:16 -0700
Tom Anderson wrote:

On Mon, 26 May 2008, Patricia Shanahan wrote:

Wojtek wrote:

Arne VajhHj wrote :

Operators only make the code more readable for classic arithmetic.

Which is my point.

Maybe this subthread suggests a solution. Define, for example, an
interface Addable<T> with

T additionOperation(T o);

as its only method.

Analogising to multiplication, this is going to make it impossible to
write my Matrix class which can be multiplied any of a double, a Vector,
or another Matrix, because you can't implement multiple instances of a
generic interface. Well, you could, but you'd have to do an instanceof
switch inside additionOperation, or implement some kind of ugly bounce

Anyway, i'm not happy with this solution, although i appreciate and
strongly agree with its intent.

Good point. How about this modification?

Addable, Multipliable, etc. become marker interfaces. Suppose a is a
reference to Multipliable or a type implementing Multipliable. Then the
compiler would process a+b as though it were a.multiplicationOperation(b).

You would make your Matrix class implement Multipliable, and provide
overloaded multiplicationOperation methods for formal parameter types
double, Vector, and Matrix.


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