Re: socket deadlock

"Oliver Wong" <>
Fri, 14 Jul 2006 14:29:11 GMT
<> wrote in message

Hi all!
I have some deadlocking problem (thats what I think it is though) with
my java program: Im comunicating with a php script via sockets (I
postet to a php group too in case...:)).

    Don't multipost, crosspost:

I cant see any error, can
someone give me a hint?

private void handleConnection( Socket client ) throws IOException {
 System.out.println("connect handle");
  BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new
  String usrData= in.readLine();
  PrintWriter out=new PrintWriter(client.getOutputStream(), true);

the php side reads:

$socket = socket_create(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,SOL_TCP);
$connection = socket_connect($socket,'localhost',3141);
while($data = socket_read($socket,3141))
echo $data;

the first line of the java function is run, and after that the php
script times out.


    Your Java server is expecting to read a line, but the PHP client doesn't
send a line. Add a '\n' on the data you're sending from PHP.

Also, from
    Returns the number of bytes successfully written to the socket or FALSE
one error. The error code can be retrieved with socket_last_error(). This
code may be passed to socket_strerror() to get a textual explanation of the

    Note: socket_write() does not necessarily write all bytes from the given
buffer. It's valid that, depending on the network buffers etc., only a
certain amount of data, even one byte, is written though your buffer is
greater. You have to watch out so you don't unintentionally forget to
transmit the rest of your data.

    Note: It is perfectly valid for socket_write() to return zero which
means no bytes have been written. Be sure to use the === operator to check
for FALSE in case of an error.

    - Oliver

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