Re: Socket disconnect on client end

"Daniel Pitts" <>
18 Dec 2006 16:21:09 -0800
Bryan wrote:

Hello all,

Can anyone tell me how I can tell if a socket has been disconnected on
the client end? I've got a class that creates a SocketServer to listen
on a port and when an connection is initiated it hands the socket off
to a thread. I want to be able to tell when a socket gets disconnected
by the client so I can have a graceful end to the connection's thread.
Right now when a client disconnects I get all kinds of exceptions from
my methods that are reading data from the socket's input stream. I
would like to use InputStream's available() method along with some way
of knowing if the socket still exists before passing the input stream
to my read methods. I tried using Socket's isConnected() method but it
still returns true even after the client disconnects.

Thanks in advance!!!

Catch and handle the exceptions, and then gracefully end the thread.

Although, NIO might be a better approach. I don't know much about it
though, so I can't say for certain.

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