Re: Great SWT Program

 Owen Jacobson <>
Sun, 04 Nov 2007 00:02:49 -0700
On Nov 3, 3:34 pm, <> wrote:

In article <>,
Owen Jacobson <> wrote:

[masses of screenshots]

I applaud your taking the trouble to do some actual experiments
and make the results available. I'm unsurprised by the response
you got from Twisted/Nebulous/Bbound; I'm not completely sure from
his reply that he even looked at your screenshots. Perhaps someone
else will find them interesting or useful.

I certainly don't believe he looked. While it's not conclusive,
nobody from his IP range has accessed any of those URLs; furthermore,
he talks of gambling and luck when referring to a fixed verifiable
target (a specific version of a specific distribution of a specific
(if common) intepretation of the name 'emacs' -- GNU Emacs 22) and
makes suppositions about its behaviour that a few minutes' testing
would've shown false. Therefore, I consider his response dubiously
valid and poorly supported at best and willfully ignorant at worst.

[ snip ]

[0] Any takers for vi? I'm even less of a vi user than I am an emacs

I may be the only vi(m) user still attempting to participate
here, and -- nah, I briefly considered taking you up on this
suggestion, but then I considered the likely response from
T/N/B and couldn't be bothered.

That's about what I figured. I've been a little ill, so I've had some
free time for this sort of shenanigans.

[1] This isn't as insane as it sounds, since I've been meaning to try
out 7.10 anyways.

Good. Otherwise, what a waste of your time ....

FWIW Ubuntu 7.10 Desktop works really well out of the box and, if
you're one of those strange people who likes using Linux on the
desktop, you could certainly do worse. :) Even Java pretty much works
properly now: run apt-get install sun-java6-jdk sun-java6-jre and you
get actual sun Java, not a prompt asking you to download it yourself.
You can even have Java 5 and Java 6 installed at the same time and
switch between them as needed.

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