Re: Great SWT Program
On Nov 6, 8:57 pm, wrote:
On Nov 4, 4:57 am, Owen Jacobson <> wrote a
length, clickable "scroll by a page" as well as clickable "scroll to
here" behaviour
There's an example of how things often get done wrong. Even Winamp, a
native Windoze application, managed to get it wrong. What I don't see
is how it can do both at the same time in any sane fashion.
The left and right mouse buttons either drag the thumb or page up or
down, depending on whether you click on, above, or below the thumb
respectively; the middle mouse button (or both the left and right
together, if X11 (not emacs) is set to emulate a 3-button mouse)
scrolls the top of the thumb as close to the mouse as possible when
clicked inside the scrollbar (regardless of whether it's on top of the
thumb or not). This behaviour is shared by all X11 applications and
is part of the X11 toolkit; emacs may or may not behave like that on
another platform (it probably doesn't on Windows, where it uses a
Windows scrollbar widget, or OS X, where it uses a CFScrollbar).
I'll refer you to the excellent "In The Beginning Was The Command
Line" by Neal Stephenson
Why no URL for this document? (Any URL will need to lead directly to
the actual text of the document; no ad "interstitials", paywall,
registerwall, login page, or etc.)
I was going to say "out of deference to your distaste for links to
things that cost money", but I checked that before I posted and I'm
glad I did. While you're still free to buy a dead tree copy at the
bookstore of your choice, Mr. Stephenson has graciously made his book
available, for free, as zipped plain text, on his site. It's a great
essay and I highly recommend it to anyone even remotely involved or
interested in IT.
<> has a zip (and sit,
for you weirdos with old macs) of the text file. It's not "directly
to the text" as requested, since there is no link directly to the
text; however, I've linked directly to the cover page, which has
download links and no ads. Enjoy.