I have a very simple command-line program in Eclipse, just a
System.out.println("Hello World"). It runs just fine in the IDE. So I
use File|Export|Export, and select "Runnable JAR file". A JAR is
And it doesn't work. I can double-click on it, or I can call it from a
command line. I get nothing. No "Hello world", no error message, no
nothing. What have I missed?
More info:
Here's the class:
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args)
System.out.println("Here I am!");
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new
Date mydate = sdf.parse("2/29/1900");
System.out.println("Good date: " + mydate.toString());
catch (ParseException ex)
System.out.println("ParseException: " +
/* (non-Java-doc)
* @see java.lang.Object#Object()
public Main() {
I export "Main.jar". To invoke from the command line, I type
"Main.jar". Nothing but a command prompt. I have jedit installed. If I
go to its directory and type "jedit.jar", it jumps right up. Therefore
I assume that the JRE can be found.
Did you tell Windows to associate JAR files with the "java -jar" command, as "markspace" suggested?
What happens if you have a Word doc, say "foo.doc", and you type "foo.doc" at the command line?