Re: Using XPathAPI.selectSingleNode directly from an exe file

"Andrew Thompson" <>
22 Aug 2006 23:47:33 -0700
dushkin wrote:

Thank you Allan for you response.

Noted your correction in next post. No biggie.
(Though, tip - that's one good reason not to put
names or personal messages in replies!)

I must put the function under try/catch block otherwise the program
won't be built.

OK - got you. But there are 'checked' and 'unchecked'

This is the code segment:

Uggh.. have I expressed yet today, just how much I
dislike code snippets? Probably not, but for future
reference, preparing an SSCCE will probably help you
to solve most problems yourself, and if not, it will
reult in a short, self contained code that disdplay
the problem. More details here..


Node nd = null;
try {

                    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(m_wFrame, "1", "1",

                    xmlMapNode = XPathAPI.selectSingleNode(doc,

...node 'nd' should be null here, so this will throw an *un*checked
exception, specifically a NullPointerException, that will ..

                    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(m_wFrame, "2", "2",

                } catch (TransformerException ex) {

Not be caught be this catch..

You might add..

ex.getMessage(), "Debug", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);



                   } catch(NullPointerException npe)


...but instead I would recommend, for *any* code that is broken,
adding a final...

                 } catch (Throwable t) {
                     //what *else* could be failing here?!?


When I run the code from the JBuilder by using "Debug" mode, there is
no problem.

That is odd. I do not understand how that code could
work in 'debug', or any other, mode.

But when I run it as a stand alone exe,

You still have not mentioned if this exe is a '.exe'.

* Oh, yes. A NullPointerException is an unchecked exception,
which means the compiler does not force you to wrap the code
in a try/catch, but instead lets the programmer 'take their
chances', and deal with the consequences.


Andrew T.

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