Re: Validating form inputs?
Davej wrote:
This brings up an issue I would be interested in hearing comments on.
In the curriculum I am pursuing we get an overview of Java and then an
overview of JSP and servelets [sic] and then finally in the 3rd semester =
get to frameworks such as Struts. Is this the normal progression? Does
Do a survey of curricula to find out.
I would be surprised if anyone here has that information at hand, unless it=
's amenable to a search such as
(Unfortunately that particular search is not especially successful. You're =
on your own for crafting a better query.)
this sequence encourage bad practices or lots of things that need to
be unlearned?
On the contrary, it seems the best way to teach what you need to know so th=
at you don't fall victim to Programming by Superstition.
Struts makes the best sense if you've implemented some Model 2 architecture=
s yourself. (Look it up.) Then you can appreciate the advantages and limita=
tions of the approach.
I've worked with people who could cite chapter and verse from the Struts Ja=
vadocs but had no sense of what it did. why it did it, or how to creatively=
make it do what they wanted. They could only follow dimly-understood lore =
from manuscripts illuminated by non-technical monks under candlelight. Had =
their curriculum followed your pattern, they might (!) have had deeper unde=
Similarly. I learned JPA (Java Persistence API) best when I implemented my =
own ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) layer, in a couple of different ways us=
ing JDBC, then did it again in JPA.
You should understand the turtles all the way down.
From the famous saying, "It's turtles all the way down."