Re: large Object as map key

Lew <>
Fri, 23 Nov 2007 11:39:20 -0500
Andreas Leitgeb wrote:

Ravi <> wrote:

there is no problem but you must overide your equals ans hashcode

Really, "must"? If his class is designed such, that every instance is
per definition unique (unequal to every other instance), then overriding
Object's hashCode() and equals() shouldn't be necessary.

Well, thats true. But if he loses the reference for a key ! there is
no way to retrieve the value against it !! Its risky but
implementation Dependant.

Why not? You can easily (and without any risk) iterate the
HashMap, then you see all the elements inside, so nothing is
really lost.

As for the question, since you are making
use of the Objects equal method for comparing objects which is bit to
bit comparison,

I don't think so: Object's equal() does only "compare" the Reference
itself; nothing of the data inside the object's instance is examined!

It is actually quite common to use reference comparison in Map keys, i.e., not
to override equals(),

You only override equals() when a class's notion of equality requires value
comparison. Then, of course, you must also override hashCode() to be
consistent with equals().

Overriding equals(), like just about any rule of thumb, is not a law that you
must *always* follow. It's something you do if and only if the semantics of
your class need it.


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