Re: JSTL: getting a map's keys

Lew <>
Fri, 23 Mar 2012 13:50:55 -0700
Chris Riesbeck wrote:

Lew wrote:

Chris Riesbeck wrote:

Lew wrote:

Chris Riesbeck wrote:

So I don't see how I can have a class such that in the JSP EL I can call
a method to get all the keys, and also retrieve data with a key using [].

I was thinking along the lines of this incompletely worked-through notion:

public class ContactScreenBacker
private final Map<String, Rate> rates = howeverYouSetItUp();
public Map<String, Rate> getRates() { return
Collections.unmodifiableMap(rates); }
public Set<String> getKeys() { return
Collections.unmodifiableSet(rates.getKeys(); }
// ...

You should be able to use an EL like '#{thingie.rates["Bill"]}'. I
haven't tried it, but this is what I had in mind.

Yes, that's probably the approach I'll take. Not quite what I'd wanted, but
close enough and I can't see why it shouldn't work.

Let us know how it plays out, please.

Honi soit qui mal y pense.

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