Re: Specifications for a machine for JEE development

=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Arne_Vajh=F8j?= <>
Sun, 02 Aug 2009 11:36:56 -0400
Jan Paulsen wrote:

My aging machine seems to be a little underspecified for running what I
want. Hence I though I'd try to ask you guys what is required for
running this suite of development tools: NetBeans 6.7, Glassfish 2,
Oracle XE 10, FireFox 3 and some kind of word processing product,
preferably OpenOffice, plus Emacs and a couple of shells and whatever I
forgot. Everything will be running on the latest Ubuntu.

I'm currently running an aging single core AMD64 3,2GHz 1Gb 5400RPM
notebook and development is starting to be a drag with especially
NetBeans pausing all the time looking up e.g. code completions. As far
as I can tell, a lot of time is spent on I/O waits, probably because of
lack of memory. Indicators show that my 1Gb physical memory is fully
utilized and another gigabyte or so is on the swap partition.

The machine is and will primarily be used for "spare time" projects, but
if it produces results presentable to customers, that would of course be
very nice.

So I have my eyes set on a dual core T4200 at 2GHz, 3Gb RAM, 5400RPM. As
far as I can tell, the 3Gb RAM should help the swapping if not
completely eliminate it (yeah, I wish). The harddisk is, I think/hope,
speedy enough for my uses as I'm using development data, meaning that
the volume of the data is small. What I'm a bit concerned about is the
speed of the CPU as I don't really know how good the software is a
utilising dual cores. Also, I'm quite happy with the NetBeans feature
for looking up JavaDoc comments and I'm wondering if search speed for
the harddisk is adequate for looking up this documentation.

Running five heavy apps including two super multithreaded apps
like app server and db server can easily use two cores.

If you plan on using a 64 bit Ubuntu, then you could put more
than 3 GB of RAM in.

A 7200 RPM disk for the laptop would also be a possibility
that would increase performance even with low data volumes.

You should save on the graphics card. NetBeans will not lag
no matter how low-end it is.

Pardon me if I'm off-topic...

It is not really a programming question, but it would obviously
require a Java programmer to evaluate performance with those
specific apps, so it is within the secondary topics that
are tied into Java programming.


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