Re: Speaking of thread safety?

Knute Johnson <>
Sat, 13 Mar 2010 18:58:46 -0800
On 3/13/2010 5:18 PM, Peter Duniho wrote:

Knute Johnson wrote:

[...] The one point that I'm not sure about is the call to repaint()
synchronizing data with the EDT. Looking at the code I don't see how
calling repaint() could create any synchronization. All that happens
is that some code is run on the EDT. No threads are started or joined.
I couldn't find anything in the docs that implied this either.

It is a consequence of how repaint() works. There are two possibilities:

??? You call repaint() in the EDT
??? You call repaint() in a thread other than the EDT

In the first case, it should be obvious that whatever code executes in
that same thread before you call repaint() must produce observable
results in the same thread in the paintComponent() call that occurs as a
result of the repaint() method.

So, it's the second case that's interesting.

The basic thing to understand is that all thread synchronization relies
on memory barriers (that is, a sort of "checkpoint" that ensures that
reads and writes cannot be moved across the barrier,
execution-order-wise and time-wise; any read or write that is, in
program order, on one side of the barrier or the other must remain on
that side of the barrier in execution order).

Without memory barriers, it's impossible to synchronize threads. But,
memory barriers don't just force the specific data being affected to be
mutually observable between threads by some specific synchronization
construct (like "volatile"). They affect _all_ data used by the
cooperating threads.

Think about the "volatile" keyword, which is one of the weakest
synchronization constructs available. Even that construct provides a
guarantee that _all_ data written by a given thread before (in program
order) that thread writes to the volatile variable will be observed by
any thread reading that data _after_ (again, in program order) reading
from the same volatile variable, if the read of the volatile variable
occurs after (in execution order) the given write.

Put another way, if we have variables "int i" and "volatile int j", then
if we have threads executing like this:

thread 1 thread 2
???????????????????????? ????????????????????????
i = 0;
j = 0;
while (j != 10) { }
i = 5;
j = 10;

The output is guaranteed to be "5". That's because "volatile" guaranteed
not only that thread 2 would see the modification to "j", but also that,
since the write to "i" happened before "j" was written, and the read
from "i" happened _after_ the write to "j" was observed, the new value
of "i" is also observed.

Now, think about what repaint() has to do when called from a thread
other than the EDT. It necessarily has to cause a call to the
paintComponent() method to happen; that's its job.

In doing so, it has to synchronize between the two threads such that the
EDT sees a change in state written by the other thread as a result of
the call to repaint(). This synchronization, whether caused by a
volatile variable, or a notify(), or whatever, will necessarily involve
a memory barrier.

This means that any change to variable state that occurs in the other
thread before the call to repaint() _must_ be observed by any code
executing in the EDT after the synchronization of the data involved in
the call to repaint().

And since the paintComponent() call that happens as a result of that
call to repaint() obviously can't happen until after that
synchronization takes place, it means that any code in the
paintComponent() method _must_ be able to see any change in state caused
by the other thread that called repaint(), because that code _also_
necessarily executes after the synchronization takes place.

Note that the guarantee is only with respect to the two threads that are
synchronized with each other. I'm not an expert in this area, and I
don't know whether any _other_ threads are also guaranteed to be able to
observe state change occurring in the EDT and the thread calling
repaint(), unless they too also participate in the synchronization (e.g.
include their own memory barrier). I suspect not, but I don't know for

But fortunately, that part doesn't matter. The only thing you really
need to worry about are the threads that do synchronize with each other,
and it happens that specifically because of the nature of that
synchronization, you can be assured that writes happening in one thread
before the synchronization point will be observed by reads happening in
a different thread after that same synchronization point. It's a direct
consequence of the whole reason for having the synchronization point
(i.e. that's specifically what the synchronization point does).

Hope that helps!



Thanks very much. I understand what you are saying I just don't
understand what it is about repaint() that could cause this memory
barrier. All repaint() does is queue some Runnables up for the EDT. No
threads are started or joined. So what is the barrier?

The really unfortunate thing about all this is that there is now way to
test any of it. I've never been able to get one thread not to be able
to read data written by another.

Thanks again for all your input, it has been very valuable.


Knute Johnson
email s/nospam/knute2010/

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