Re: Giving an application a window icon in a sensible way
"Twisted" <> wrote in message
As for "books written on the subject", that is an option for someone
with a higher budget than I. Keep your recommendations and
(revenue-generating, no doubt) Amazon links to yourself, please.
The only person who posts revenue generating Amazon links in this group
AFAIK is Roedy, and he hasn't posted in a long time, let alone in this
don't you *dare* suggest that "if you can't afford xyz, you shouldn't
touch any development tool with a ten foot pole", lest I call you a
filthy capitalist pig that discriminates against the poor and supports
raising the barrier to entry to entrepreneurial activities to protect
an incumbent CEO class from any risk of ever facing something
resembling actual competition, then launch into a lengthy political
Ouch. Well, we certainly don't want *THAT*.
However note that no one in this thread, AFAIK, has suggested that not
being afford something means anything at all. I think the majority of us
uses free tools (namely Eclipse, NetBeans, Java itself, etc.).
If you're not going to take the advice of people on*
I didn't say I wouldn't. I did say I wouldn't follow it *blindly*, and
certainly that I won't follow "advice" that consists of vague
suggestions lacking detail in crucial areas. "Get and use tool X"
without any real detail (not so much as the URL where the tool's
official Web page resides, assuming it even has one) and "Do this"
suggestions that leave a lot of questions that, when asked, go
unanswered except with flamage, do not exactly encourage me to be
Make it more explicit. If you want information, ask a question. For
example, rather than saying "I still haven't gotten a link to Ant.", post
"Where can I download Ant?".
I still haven't heard anyone tell me any of the following, which is
behavior that I find suspicious:
* From those who recommended getting Ant, its official URL at minimum.
* Regarding getResource, the exact way to have the resource found when
the app is tested in the development environment *without* either
jumbling every project together *or* overloading the system class path
with a sub directory for every project.
There are many ways to do this. Try this (off the top of my head, if it
doesn't actually work, let me know and I'll investigate further): create a
package called "resource". Put a class "ResourceManager" in that package,
which does all the calls to getResource. Put all your resources in that
resource package, perhaps under some directory hierarchy. Make all the
getResource URLs relative to that ResourceManager class.
* Regarding getResource, the exact way to have that same resource
automatically included into a jar when one is built, when the time
comes. One person suggested that Eclipse can be made to do this,
without saying anything in detail about how. Others suggested Ant would
be needed, without saying anything in detail about how to do it with
I think when you tell Eclipse to make a JAR, it'll do this by default.
Right click on the project, choose export, and tell the wizard you want to
export to JAR. You'll need to specify which class contains your public
static void main(String[]) method, but otherwise you can leave everything
else to their default settings.
- Oliver