Re: please help me in creating a form using Swing.
boris wrote:
I am creating a form ..
Form? Using Netbeans, are you? Does that translate
to a javax.swing.JFrame?
..using SWING.
That is 'Swing' (no need to SHOUT). Please also put
a space, or preferably 2, after each full stop.
..Now in the form I have one JComboBox
of COUNTRY and other of STATE.
Normal Java nomenclature would suggest the UPPER_CASE
attribute names mean the member is final. Other attributes
(and methods) should be camelCase.
...Now I want it in such a way that when I
select a country from the COUNTRY JComboBox ,the corresponding states
automatically appears in the STATE JComboBox.
The COUNTRY combo needs a Listener attached.
Either an ActionListener, or more likely an ItemListener*.
When the listener is activated, (re)populate the STATE
with a new ComboBoxModel**, representing the states.
* <
** <
Still learning java!!:)
A good group for those learning java is specialises in GUI matters.
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development. Download them, bookmark them, or both.
The Java Tutorial has excellent 'trails' on Swing & Events.
Andrew Thompson
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