Re: How to make Installer ??
ZOD wrote:
As i dont know how to Use RMI in Netbeans... so .. i have to choose
the general methord of compiling thru.. command prompt ...
Learn Ant. It will allow you to compile direct throught the IDE,
is portable to most other IDEs (worth mentioning) and can also
be invoked/started from the command line.
Now if i want to TEST RUN MY
Why are you SHOUTING at us? We are not *deaf*.
..project on any number of Machine.. then
i have to copy the Embedded Database( i.e. all folders containing the
Images, Flash templates... etc) on each machine... then on each
machine .. i have to set Path of BIN folder of Java...then COMPILE AND
RUN ALL CLASS FILE.. AGAIN and again!!! And what if JDK is not
installed.. then i have also to installl.. the JDK ...
Can some one give me a solution!! like if it is " POSSIBLE TO CREATE A
For which platform?
The usual installation method for (GUId) Java projects
is Java Web Start*. The only problem mentioned above
that JWS does not cover is the initial JRE installtion,
but a clever web page can do most of the checking and
refer the user to the right place to downlaod it, if needed.
* e.g.s <>
Please advise me on the above .. also point if some thing could be
done in better way, instead of what i am doing( as i have mentioned
Also, for general communication, note that
- People do not generally like to be SHOUTED at, and that
- One single '?' is enough to mark a question, and one single '!'
enough to emphasize a point.
- Also, the word 'I' should always be capital - *always*.
Andrew Thompson
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