Re: How to make getText() return the result in case sensitive ?

Tom Anderson <>
Thu, 2 Oct 2008 13:36:29 +0100
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On Thu, 2 Oct 2008, tobleron wrote:

On Oct 2, 7:54?am, Lew <> wrote:

tobleron wrote:

How to solve it ? As I mention above, when I didn't call
Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"), the
NetBeans show error message "No suitable driver found" even I included
MySQL driver libraries in my project. The program will not run without
this call.

Well, for Pete's sake, calling it zero times is not the solution! ?I pointed
out that you only need to call it once. ?Calling it zero times is not
following the advice.

Tom Anderson wrote:

No, but you only need to make it once per invocation of the application.
You could do it in a static block - add:

static {
? ? Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver") ;

to your app class definition.

@Lew and Tom
I'm not quite understand. I've tried to follow your suggestion, but it
can't run. May be you can explicitly write within my code bellow (FYI,
I used NetBeans 6.1 and this code is only a part for a button click) :

Copy and paste the code i wrote above into one of your classes. It has to
be inside a class, and there's no class in the code you posted, so i can't
explicitly write it in there. What class does this method belong to? Put
it in there. Right after the line that says:

public class MyClass {

It's called a static initializer, or sometimes just a static block by the
lazy and imprecise such as myself. Read:

Is there anyone can help me to understand what the NetBeans show this
warning ?

Oct 2, 2008 2:56:02 PM org.jdesktop.application.LocalStorage getId
WARNING: unspecified resource using Main
Oct 2, 2008 2:56:02 PM org.jdesktop.application.LocalStorage getId
WARNING: unspecified resource Application.vendorId using

No idea.


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