Re: Best way to force a JComponent to repaint itself

Knute Johnson <>
Wed, 13 Aug 2008 22:15:50 -0700
zerg wrote:

Knute Johnson wrote:

zerg wrote:

What's the best way to force a JComponent to repaint itself? I've got
three candidates:


Read Roedy's post and then tell us what you really want to do and what
you've been doing before that.

I begin to suspect that there's some sort of unwritten code here that
forbids the giving of a straight answer.

Well forgive me but if you want to repaint() something repaint() it.

In case it somehow matters, I've implemented a custom JList subclass
with a custom cell renderer and some other custom behavior. In response
to certain new set methods, the behavior of the cell renderer changes,
and the visible portion of the list obviously needs to be repainted when
this occurs.

So you are changing some data in your ListModel and it isn't being
reflected in your JList? You've got other problems than repaint(). Are
you adding or removing components? Are you making your changes to your
ListModel on the EDT?

I suppose I could do something hackish like set the list's ListModel to
the existing ListModel ... :P

(Also, is there a way to get the NetBeans GUI editor to recognize new
component classes? Or, perhaps better, to simply bypass it and code the
UI manually, but still get the FrameView saving and restoring of window
state? And is the list definitely only going to call on the cell
renderer to paint the visible cells at any given time? I would prefer
this to be able to scale well with large lists, potentially 10,000 items
or more, with the ListModel storing say 10,000 Integers or other such
handles rather than larger objects that may be retrieved from disk or a
DB on demand.)


Knute Johnson
email s/nospam/knute2008/

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