Re: Best SDK?

Lew <>
Fri, 27 Feb 2009 10:02:22 -0800 (PST)
Lew wrote:

One good Java IDE, or even a good editor like emacs or vi, is all you need.

Larry K. Wollensham wrote:

For sufficiently mind-bending definitions of "a good editor", maybe. :-)
[rant against emacs and vi snipped] ...

Now don't go straw-manning my point into an issue over whether emacs
or vi are the only choices. Just because you don't like them doesn't
mean they aren't good editors; it only means that you have not found
it worthwhile to undergo the training to use their power.

There are any number of excellent editors out there. Personally I
prefer NetBeans for Java development, not so much because it's an
editor but because it has more features as an IDE, and Eclipse is also
a powerful choice. But don't stop there! Textpad and JEdit, just two
name two, are just fine. The point is to use *something* - I only
picked emacs and vi in my post as emblematic of what constitutes a
popular and powerful programmers' editor.

Anyway, "mate", keep the polemics about specific editors down. Don't
divert the issue. Pick the editor that works for you. If you're too
lazy or whatever to learn the power of NetBeans, or that of Eclipse,
or that of emacs, that's fine for you. My whole point was that you
can pick whatever one works *for you*, but that you must pick one.

Ironically, by revealing your unwillingness to learn the power of
emacs or vi, you reflect the very issue I had with the poster who
didn't want to learn the power of an IDE. What is it with people
who'd rather whine about this tool or that tool being "too hard" than
to learn what they need to learn to be good programmers? I don't give
a rat's ass about emacs or vi particularly, nor about NetBeans or
Eclipse particularly. I had to learn to drive a car, I had to learn
to operate a computer, and I had to learn to use those editors and
IDEs. I can use any of the four I just mentioned, with varying
facility, and this helps me to be a better programmer and make more
money. Too bad for you if you aren't up to the task. Don't blame the
tools for the shortcomings of the workman.

Software development is a profession where you must learn the tools -
some tools anyway. This inane refusal to learn something, replaced
with a rhapsodic essay attempting to hide one's inadequacies at
learning, is harmful to one's skill set. If you can't stand the heat,
get out of the kitchen.


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