Re: netbeans question
On Apr 7, 9:56 am, Roedy Green <>
On Tue, 07 Apr 2009 09:49:32 -0400, wrote, quoted or
indirectly quoted someone who said :
When compiling a certain source file I get the error:
"Note: E:\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\except\src\except\Main.j=
uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details."
try doing a clean compile of everything. The error mean you have a
collection without generics.
Not necessarily a collection, although that's the most common
situation. Any generic type used as a raw type will issue the
The OP's problem seems to hinge on the message appearingh and
disappearing. The advice to do a clean compile is likely a pointer to
the explanation. When the OP claims that they "recompile" it is a
good bet that the .class file from the earlier compilation still
exists, and therefore no recompilation is actually occurring. The OP
goes on to say:
THEN - if I make ANY change to the source code,
the above cycle starts over
Of course, with a change to the source, NB will recompile. With no
change, NB will not need to recompile.