Re: How to set up a fast correct java build?
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On Fri, 8 Jan 2010, Alessio Stalla wrote:
On Jan 8, 1:46?pm, Andreas Leitgeb <>
Andreas Leitgeb <> wrote:
Alessio Stalla <> wrote:
I don't get why you believe that Java class files do not contain
enough dependency information. At least the class hierarchy and
classes referred to by fields and methods (signature and code) should
be found there. Reflection can be problematic, but it would be with a
Java parser too. However, since I'm not an expert in the matter, I may
be missing something.
Indeed: ?static final fields used from other classes. ? Only their
values are used, but their names do not show up in your .class file.
Small correction: ?static final fields with a compiletime known value.
Ok, thanks, I didn't know it. However, if this is the only problem,
it's a very infrequent: how often is a static final field initialized
with a compile time constant changed? Probably infrequently enough
that you can just perform a full clean and build in those rare cases.
No - because you don't even have enough information to *detect* these
cases. Consider:
class A {
public static final String FOO = "foo";
class B {
public static final String FOO = A.FOO;
You change How do you know you have to recompile B?
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