Re: How to set up a fast correct java build?
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On Fri, 8 Jan 2010, Joshua Maurice wrote:
On Jan 8, 7:28?am, Alessio Stalla <> wrote:
I don't get why you believe that Java class files do not contain
enough dependency information. At least the class hierarchy and
classes referred to by fields and methods (signature and code) should
be found there. Reflection can be problematic, but it would be with a
Java parser too. However, since I'm not an expert in the matter, I may
be missing something.
I believe my simple example is
// source
public class foo { foo() { bar x = null; } }
// source
public class bar { bar() {} }
Ooh, i hadn't thought of that one. Good catch!
I just double checked with javap, (though I didn't run my own hand-
written class file parser),
Since the class file format doesn't compress any strings, 'grep' would do.
With a face like this I won't break any hearts and thinking like that
I won't make any friends