Re: Accessing thread from called class
"Chris" <> wrote in message
Do I just implement eg a SendCommand() function (or whatever name you
in the ThreadNetworkHandler class and call that?
Yes, that will work. Make sure that you synchronize access to any
variables you're setting, though.
String command;
public synchronized void sendCommand(String command) {
this.command = command;
private synchronized getCommand() {
return command;
public void run() {
// main loop
while (true) {
String command = getCommand(); // this is synchronized
Actually, synchronization probably isn't technically required in the
example above (because assigning a String is atomic), but if you're
doing anything more complicated in sendCommand() it's a good idea.
2. Another question on same sort of topic. Should I have one thread for
incoming socket communication stream and another for the outgoing?
Take a look at NIO. Can be helpful when there are many threads and good
performance is required. Not otherwise necessary, though.
I have this class:
// class ThreadNetworkhandler
class ThreadNetworkHandler extends Thread
private CubaThread m_Object;
// Constructor
ThreadNetworkHandler(CubaThread obj)
m_Object = obj;
String command;
public synchronized void sendCommand(String command)
this.command = command;
private synchronized String getCommand()
return command;
public void run()
for (;;)
String command = getCommand(); // this is synchronized
m_Object.lst.addItem("You issued: " + command);
catch(java.lang.InterruptedException e)
{ /* no problem, end of wait */
In my applet I do this:
t = new ThreadNetworkHandler(this);
Where t is a member variable of type Thread.
But if I do this:
t.sendCommand("My Command\r\n");
I get this error: cannot find symbol
symbol : method sendCommand(java.lang.String)
location: class java.lang.Thread
t.sendCommand("My command\r\n");
So how do I call sendCommand?