Re: Storing Thread events in a Vector

Nigel Wade <>
Fri, 13 Oct 2006 10:25:24 +0100
Vera wrote:

I have a thread (Producer) that is supposd to sleep for a random amount
of time, record it in a vector and wake up another thread (Consumer).
That thread should read the elements from the vector when the first
thread (Producer) is done writing to it.

So, can't figure out how to get the Consumer thread to see the elements
in the vector. Right now it doesn't print anything because Consumer for
some reason doesn't see the vector elements.

Here's what I have:

// Import libraries
import java.util.Random;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Vector;

public class Assignment3
        // Create threads:
        ProducerThread producer = new ProducerThread();
        ConsumerThread consumer = new ConsumerThread();

        // Create a vector
        Vector queue = new Vector();

        /** Main method */
        public static void main(String[] args)
                new Assignment3();

        public Assignment3()
                // Start producer thread

                // Start consumer thread

        }// End Main method

        /** Method to get time of an event */
        public String getTimeOfEvent()
            // Make a new Date object, which will be initialized to the
current time
            Date now = new Date();

            // This will output the hour (0-12), minutes, seconds,
            // and the am/pm marker.
            SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("hh:mm:ss:SS

            String outputTime = format.format(now);

            return outputTime;
        } // End of getTimeOfEvent method

/////////////////////// The Producer Thread class
        class ProducerThread extends Thread
                 int sleepTime=0;
                 String wakeTime=null;

                 // Construct a thread for producer
                 public ProducerThread()

                  // Override the run() method to tell the system what
the thread
will do
                  public synchronized void run()

                        // Interrupt Consumer thread

                        // Loop Producer thread 10 times
                        for (int count = 0; count < 10; count++)
                                // Generate random number between 10
and 2000
                        sleepTime = (int)(2000.0 * Math.random()) + 10;

                                // Put the thread to sleep for a random
amount of milliseconds

                                catch(InterruptedException ex)

                                // Save the time when producer woke up
                                wakeTime = getTimeOfEvent();

                                // Store the time string in the vector
                                queue.add("\nProducer slept for " +
sleepTime +
                                        " milliseconds, and woke up at
" + wakeTime);

                                // Print the vector element


                                // Wake up the consumer thread

        } // End ProducerThread class

///////////////////////////// The Consumer Thread class
        class ConsumerThread extends Thread
                // eventInfo stores the time producer slept and when it
woke up
                String eventInfo;

                // Construct the Consumer thread
                 public ConsumerThread()

                 // Override the run() method to tell the system what
the thread will
                  public synchronized void run()

                                        // While count doesn't exceed
queue size, print each
                                        // element in the queue.
                                        for(int count = 0; count <
queue.size(); count++)


                        catch (InterruptedException ex)

        } // End ConsumerThread class


You don't have any synchronization between your threads.

Each of your threads has a synchronized run() method. A synchronized method
synchronizes on the object on which the method is invoked (as far as the method
is concerned, the synchronization object is 'this'). This technique is used to
synchronize access to the object in question. Each of your threads' run methods
are synchronized to themselves, not to each other so there is no
synchronization between the threads. Sychronization must be performed on the
same object in each thread.

In the above code the only object which is shared between the thread is the
'queue' object (or, to be pedantic, the object to which queue holds a
reference). Here, synchronizing on the object in question would be appropriate.
However, you are using a Vector which is already synchronized internally, so
you have actually got away with it by chance.

The reason that your consumer thread doesn't print anything is that it is never
woken up. notifyAll() notifies all threads which are waiting on a
synchronization object. It is not a class method and is invoked on an object,
and in the absence of a specific object 'this' is implied. 'this' is the
producer thread, and nothing is waiting on it so nothing gets notified.

Nigel Wade, System Administrator, Space Plasma Physics Group,
            University of Leicester, Leicester, LE1 7RH, UK
E-mail :
Phone : +44 (0)116 2523548, Fax : +44 (0)116 2523555

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