Re: Strange runtime error: AbstractMethodError

Lew <>
Wed, 07 Feb 2007 17:52:31 -0500
Oliver Wong wrote:

After a bit for trimming, I've formed an SSCCE that doesn't require any
external libraries:

interface Root {
 public Root someMethod();

interface Intermediary extends Root {
 public Leaf someMethod();

class Leaf implements Intermediary {
 public Leaf someMethod() {
  return null;

public class BugTest {
 public static void main(String[] args) {
  Leaf leafReference = new Leaf();
  Root rootReference = leafReference;
  rootReference.someMethod(); /* throws error */

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.AbstractMethodError:
 at BugTest.main(

But I'm still unsure if this is a bug in the JVM, the compiler, or if this
is the correct behaviour of the Java language, using some rule I'm not
familiar with.

I think we're dealing with

When I try your example I immediately but not consistently get an error from
Netbeans on the @Override,

   "method does not override a method from its superclass"

but javac doesn't show me this, not even with -Xlint:overrides.

Now, try adding these two classes to the source:

interface Othif extends Root
     public String someMethod(); // String is not a subtype of Root

class OthImpl implements Othif
     public String someMethod()
         return null;

These give the expected compilation errors:

src/testit/ someMethod() in testit.Othif clashes with
someMethod() in testit.Root; attempting to use incompatible return type
found : java.lang.String
required: testit.Root
     public String someMethod();

src/testit/ testit.OthImpl is not abstract and does not
override abstract method someMethod() in testit.Root
class OthImpl implements Othif

src/testit/ someMethod() in testit.OthImpl cannot implement
someMethod() in testit.Root; attempting to use incompatible return type
found : java.lang.String
required: testit.Root
     public String someMethod()

- Lew

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