Re: Java version & Applet
On Mar 17, 10:37 pm, wrote:
Hi there
If anything is 'really recommended', it would
be that you avoid applets.
Okay, thats something i have to think about. In this case the applet
is yust a way of using an application without the need to download it,
so Webstart seems just to do that.
Actually, it is more complicated, subtle, and
useful than perhaps I described it.
In seems to the end user, that no 'installation'
happened, where in effect, it does. The classes
and resources are cached locally. When the user
launches the application (or applet) again, web
start checks the net to see if there are any
updates, but if it cannot, or there aren't any,
it will launch the app. from the cache.
Further, resources can be specified as either
'eager' or 'lazy'. Lazy means that the resource
is not download until, or unless, the user needs
that funtionality (think of an entire API that
provides printing support to an app. - if the
user never wants to print, why download it?)
Andrew T.