Re: Java Web Start on
John B. Matthews wrote:
I wrote a program to tinker with the alpha compositing rules and put it
on a Google site. It seemed like a good candidate for Java Web Start.
I can download the .jnlp and open it with JWS, but I can't get JWS to
load the jar. JWS complains that it is "Unable to load resource:
...CompositeDemo.jnlp," which is the .jnlp I just downloaded.
It works fine if the downloaded .jnlp refers to another site, just not
when the .jnlp refers back to
Here's the site:
On that page, site one (Goggle) is broken; site two (ISP) works fine.
Have I configured the site one .jnlp file incorrectly? Searching the
help for came up empty.
Thanks for any help.
Well there is the requirement that the /etc/mime.types file of the
server have an entry,
application/x-java-jnlp-file jnlp
but when I click on your link to the jnlp file, I get an error, <jnlp>
field is missing. The "Launch File" looks suspiciously like your XHTML
file for the page, without the jnlp stuff. I'm not sure why that is.
So, if this site is serving up other JWS programs then the missing mime
type is probably not the problem.
Anyway your program looks very nice!
Knute Johnson
email s/nospam/knute2008/
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