Re: Java Web Start on
John B. Matthews wrote:
I wrote a program to tinker with the alpha compositing rules and put it
on a Google site. It seemed like a good candidate for Java Web Start.
I can download the .jnlp and open it with JWS, but I can't get JWS to
load the jar. JWS complains that it is "Unable to load resource:
...CompositeDemo.jnlp," which is the .jnlp I just downloaded.
It works fine if the downloaded .jnlp refers to another site, just not
when the .jnlp refers back to
Here's the site:
On that page, site one (Goggle) is broken; site two (ISP) works fine.
Have I configured the site one .jnlp file incorrectly? Searching the
help for came up empty.
Thanks for any help.
I thought about doing one of these myself and then I got lazy but one
feature I was going to add was the RGBA values for the overlapped area.
There are several cases where you can have an identical looking result
but the color values are different, sometimes because the white
background is showing through. It can really fool you when you then put
a photo or something else in the background.
Just a thought :-).
Knute Johnson
email s/nospam/knute2008/
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