Re: Java Web Start on

Andrew Thompson <>
Sun, 17 Aug 2008 19:44:56 -0700 (PDT)
On Aug 18, 11:34 am, "John B. Matthews" <nos...@nospam.invalid> wrote:

I wrote a program to tinker with the alpha compositing rules and put it
on a Google site. It seemed like a good candidate for Java Web Start.

You'd think so, huh?

I can download the .jnlp and open it with JWS, but I can't get JWS to
load the jar. JWS complains that it is "Unable to load resource:
...CompositeDemo.jnlp," which is the .jnlp I just downloaded.

OK - I did not try loading the JNLP (not after
clicking the link and seeing the FF DL options dialog,
which IO canceled), instead I tried pulling both
that original URL, as well as without the URL query,
in a JEditorPane.

I was expecting Google to refuse the connection outright,
as they used to do for any app. reporting itself as 'java'
in the headers, but in both instances I got a page loaded
that basically said 'click here to continue', rather than
served up the content of the JNLP.

*That* I think supports that Google is doing things
to prevent direct fetches, and that would almost
certainly screw up a webstart launch.

It works fine if the downloaded .jnlp refers to another site, just not
when the .jnlp refers back to

Here's the site:


On that page, site one (Goggle) is broken; site two (ISP) works fine.
Have I configured the site one .jnlp file incorrectly? Searching the
help for came up empty.

I suspect that is Google's 'Zen answer' to hosting
Java related projects.

Andrew Thompson

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