Re: Disposing of Objects?

Lew <>
Tue, 15 Nov 2011 12:57:05 -0800 (PST)
Davej wrote:

Stefan Ram wrote:

Davej writes:

If I have global objects

  Such objects do not exist.

is it desirable to dispose of them before reinstantiating

  Objects cannot be disposed nor reinstantiated.

Creating is not "instantiating?"

Yes, yes it is.

q = new Mortgage(amt, term, int);

This is creation, a.k.a. "instantiation" that you show here.

If q is a global and I execute the above statement again?

Aa stated, and you quoted, there is no such thing as a "global" in Java.

Regardless of what 'q' is, what you show is not "reinstantiation" but a new=

The result of the statement is that 'q' points to a newly created (or insta=
ntiated) 'Mortgage' object and no longer points to anything else, if it eve=
r did.

If 'q' used to point to a different 'Mortgage' instance, now that instance =
has one less reference to it. If 'q' happened to have held the very last r=
eference to that instance, the instance has become an unreferenced object a=
nd is eligible for garbage collection (GC).

Objects in Java are not disposed, they simply lose all references to them.

This is a rephrase of an earlier answer:
=ABThe next third of your question is whether it's necessary to dispose of =
such objects. The answer is the same for objects pointed to by a class or =
by an instance of a class ('static' or instance member pointers, er, um, I =
mean "references").

=ABNo. Just make sure there are no pointers left that reference that parti=
cular object.=BB


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