Re: Disabling generated buttons

From: (Stefan Ram)
2 Feb 2015 13:37:18 GMT
Cecil Westerhof <> writes:

That is for buttons that are stored in a variable, but these are not
stored in a variable but generated.

  ?Being stored in a variable? is not the opposite of ?being
  generated?. Ultimatively, all objects are ?generated? at
  some point in time after the start of the program. And
  reference to all objects is stored in at least on variable,
  because otherwise the garbage collector would dispose the
  that object. So, all objects are always stored in a variable
  and all objects are always generated.

  Surely, a reference to the buttons is stored in at least one
  variable, because Swing needs this information.

  You need a means (direct or indirect) to obtain a reference
  to these buttons (visibility). ?Indirect?, here, means: It
  might suffice to know an object that holds the required information
  and can perform the action which needs this information.

  This is, ultimatively, related to the architecture of your software
  (composition): Which object holds references to which other object?

  If an object does not have a reference to another object, but
  it needs to have this reference, then it is the duty of the
  software architect to either make this object hold this reference
  or otherwise rework the architecture, so that the object does
  not need to hold the reference anymore. One related design
  guideline is called ?Law Of Demeter?. Other guidelines are
  architecure patterns such as the GRASP patterns.

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