Re: Trouble with IADs

"Alf P. Steinbach" <>
Tue, 18 Mar 2008 06:51:12 +0100
* Alf P. Steinbach:

* Jimi:

Hey all,

I keep getting the following error

d:\programming\dynascript\dynascriptdlg.cpp(325) : error C2065:
'IADs' : undeclared identifier

A copy of my code is listed at the end of the post.

I am using VC++ (Visual Studio 2005) with Microsoft Platform SDK for
Win2k3 R2 installed, on a WinXP SP2 system.
I have added the the SDK Paths to project options as described in the

I have even tried on 2 different PC's incase something went wrong with
the SDK install the first time.

I have loked every where and cannot figure out what I'm doing
wrong... Any Assistance will be greatly appreciated.

// Code from my Program

#include <windows.h>
#include <activeds.h>
#include <Iads.h>
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "DynaScript.h"
#include "DynaScriptDlg.h"
#include "CrtCntrDlg.h"
#include "AddSys.h"


int CDynaScriptDlg::ImportOU() {

  HRESULT hr = CoInitialize( NULL );
  if (SUCCEEDED (hr) ) {

     IADs *piConnection = NULL;
     hr = ADsGetObject(L"LDAP://dummy.nonexist.local", IID_IADS,
(void**) & piConnection});
     if (SUCCEEDEED (hr)) {
        MessageBox("Successfully Conected to labs!");

     // More ADSI Code will go here

     (void) CoUninitialize();


   return (int)hr;

Well, I don't know about "IADs" since that identifier doesn't appear in
your code.

Oh dang, it's right there -- I'm blind on all three eyes!

Well, you need to either define it or include the relevant header or define the
proper macro symbols before including the headers you have, whatever's relevant
(googling "msdn IADs" says the relevant header is [Iads.h], which you have
included, so perhaps it needs some symbol such as WINVER and/or _WIN32_WINNT,
which need to be 0x0500 or more according to the documentation*).

Earlier advice stands though, and additionally you should define NOMINMAX for
use of <windows.h> with C++.

Cheers, & hthalbm.,

- Alf

*) <url:>

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A: Top-posting.
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