Re: CreateCursor
Your questions prompted me to review my work. I forgot that I had created a
CDIBSection class derived from CBitmap. So my arrays -- m_dibsMask and
m_dibsImage -- contain CDIBSection pointers.
class CDIBSection : public CBitmap
CDIBSection(CSprite* pSprite);
. . .
void SetBIHeader();
BYTE* m_pBits;
CSprite* m_pSprite;
. . .
As for masks, I constantly use mask and image bitmaps for sprites and
transparency, etc. I still feel that what I need to know here is how to use
my bitmap pointers in CreateCursor. I am not getting cursors, when I test
this, that in any way resemble the images they refer to.
m_pCurrentSprite->m_dibsMask[0], // pointer to AND bitmask array
m_pCurrentSprite->m_dibsImage[0] // pointer to XOR bitmask array
"AliR (VC++ MVP)" <AliR@online.nospam> wrote in message
What's a DIBSection pointer? Are you talking about having an array of
pointers to DIBSECTION structs or do you have an array of HBITMAPS, or do
you have a buffer that has the bitmaps bits in it?
Either way you will have to convert them to the mask bitmaps, just like
the article says.
Take a look at GetMaskBitmaps method.
"SteveR" <> wrote in message
Thank you, AliR. I have previously looked at the link you included here.
What I was asking was how to use a DIBSection pointer in CreateCursor.
For example, do I need to do some kind of conversion in order to use a
DIBSection pointer for the argument CONST VOID *pvANDPlane?
I have an array of DIBSection pointers and am testing the use of the
first bitmap as follows:
m_pCurrentSprite->m_dibsMask[0], // pointer to AND bitmask array
The resulting bitmap is unintelligible.
"AliR (VC++ MVP)" <AliR@online.nospam> wrote in message
Here you go:
"SteveR" <> wrote in message
Would someone please tell me if it is possible (and how) to use a
DIBSection pointer in CreateCursor()? I am experimenting with turning
my cursor into a corresponding iconic image when clicking on an image.
m_hSpriteCursor = CreateCursor(
AfxGetApp()->m_hInstance, // handle to application instance
16, // horizontal position of hot spot
0, // vertical position of hot spot
32, // cursor width
32, // cursor height
m_pCurrentSprite->m_dibsMask[0], // pointer to AND bitmask array
m_pCurrentSprite->m_dibsImage[0] // pointer to XOR bitmask array