Re: How to get m_hWnd in CDialog

=?Utf-8?B?bWlyY293aGF0?= <>
Wed, 28 Oct 2009 07:58:01 -0700
"Tom Serface" wrote:

Why do you need m_hWnd of the dialog to call SetWindowPos()? That should
all be built in.

Another method would be just to always create the button on the dialog and
just show or hide it as you decide you need it. I found that to be a lot
easier than dynamically creating controls.

Also, remember to return FALSE from OnInitDialog() if you change the focus
of the controls.


"mircowhat" <> wrote in message

Yes im trying to do this in,

BOOL MyDiagClassDlg::OnInitDialog(){

      //other initializations

      CBitmapButton mybtn;
      //heres where i want to call


I'm not sure if your last sentence was a statement or instructions.
I've tried just about every combination i can think of to get m_hWnd of
dialog window. Could you please elaborate?



I need the m_hWnd so i cant use this,
CWnd *pWnd = CWnd::FromHandle(m_hWnd);

So i can call


Reason i need to do this is because the z-order is off.

On my dialog i have
(Everything is stacked on top of each other). The last button is the top
button and is movable via mouse while everything else is static. When i
launch the dialog, if the last button(Coords x,y) is over the background and
you try dragging it over the second button it works fine and always draws on
top of the second button and you are able to release(unclick) and click it
again while over the second button without any issues. If i move the last
button via movewindow to the second buttons client area , the last button
draws underneath the second and once you release it the only way you are able
to click it again is by click a area of the last button the is exposed from
underneath the second button. The whole point of this, is a dual
bitmapbutton slider control with a bitmap slider bar. This is my last issue.
 I have to be able to move the last button over the second with movewindow so
i can place the indicators at a value of the bar.

Does changing the actual z-Order set the focus? Didn't think i did.


"David Lowndes" wrote:

I've tried just accessing m_hWnd. Doesnt work.


What exactly does "doesn't work" mean? It doesn't compile, or doesn't
give your desired result?
What precisely is the code you've tried?

I'm not sure if your last sentence was a statement or instructions.
I've tried just about every combination i can think of to get m_hWnd of the
dialog window.

From inside a method of your dialog, you can just use m_hWnd to get
the dialog's window handle - but if you're using SetWindowPos to alter
the Z-order of controls you don't want the dialog's window handle


m_hWnd=NULL; when i step through.

See above explanation in reply to Tom.

"Ajay Kalra" wrote:

On Oct 27, 6:13 pm, mircowhat <>

Yes im trying to do this in,

BOOL MyDiagClassDlg::OnInitDialog(){

       //other initializations

       CBitmapButton mybtn;
       //heres where i want to call


I'm not sure if your last sentence was a statement or instructions.
I've tried just about every combination i can think of to get m_hWnd of the
dialog window.

You dont need m_hWnd to call SetWindowPos on your button.
CWnd::SetWindowPos doesnt need the handle. ::SetWindowPos needs it.
Also note that your CBitmapButton is local to your method and is
destroyed as soon it exits the method.


See above explanation in reply to Tom.

Sorry, CBitmapButton is declared in the dialog classes header file.


So once again, how do i get the m_hWnd in,

BOOL MyDiagClassDlg::OnInitDialog(){





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