Re: Open File.... Dimmed
"Jacky Luk" wrote:
I haven't done much to my application. But when I added
the OnOpenDocument() to it, the menu item "open file..."
was dimmed. When I deleted everything associated with
OnOpenDocument(), the item was suddenly enabled. So does
anyone know what is going on?
You failed to provide appropriate ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI
handler. When you provide command handler, you also have to
provide corresponding ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI handler.
Otherwise menu item will be disabled. You need to understand
how command and message routing is implemented in MFC. Read
at least these technical notes:
"TN006: Message Maps"
"TN021: Command and Message Routing"
"TN022: Standard Commands Implementation"
Also, look into MFC's reference for command routing
"Message Handling and Mapping"
Just dedicate half an hour to it and read everything in this
section. Especially pay attention to sections: "How the
Framework Calls a Handler" and "How the Framework Searches
Message Maps".